State Energy Plan
In October 2015, Rhode Island formally adopted a 10-year update to the Rhode Island State Energy Plan (the Plan). OER worked throughout 2013 and 2014 with a twenty-member Advisory Council, stakeholder groups, and a consultant team to complete the Plan, which covers a planning horizon out to 2035. The Plan represents the State’s first data-driven energy planning and policy document, providing a long-term, comprehensive energy strategy for Rhode Island.
The vision of the Plan is to provide energy services across all sectors—electricity, thermal, and transportation—using a secure, cost-effective, and sustainable energy system. The Plan demonstrates that Rhode Island can increase sector fuel diversity, produce net economic benefits, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent by the year 2035. The Plan proposes state-of-the-art policies and strategies to achieve those goals.
The Plan contains a main document with four primary sections, two appendices, and two technical reports:
Spreadsheet results for each Technical Report are available here:
For more information on the State Energy Plan, please contact Nathan Cleveland at