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URI Energy Fellows Program prepares the next generation of clean energy professionals

Published Date
August 2018

URI Energy Fellows
URI Energy Fellows

With this month's release of the Clean Energy Industry Report, we take an in-depth look at one program that is helping to prepare college students to enter the clean energy economy -- the University of Rhode Island Energy Fellows Program.

This year-long cooperative program trains students interested in careers in sustainable energy management, economics and policy. Now in its 11th year, the fellows program places students in interdisciplinary fellowships with mentor organizations, in which students contribute 600 hours to a project supervised by an energy professional. Projects range from energy management, education, policy development, engineering and more. Fellows also attend required topical energy training sessions and networking events throughout the year, and complete leadership and professional development coursework that is administered by URI Cooperative Extension staff. 

Several energy fellows have worked at Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources on the Solarize and farm energy campaigns, the goal of both being to increase awareness of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for municipalities and farmers, respectively. The fellows are responsible for direct outreach to target audiences and to develop outreach strategies that guide future work in the municipal and agricultural sectors. The remaining members of the 2018 program are working on projects with National Grid, Green Development LLC, Thielsch Engineering, Optimal Energy, and the RI Commerce Corporation mentors.

The URI Energy Fellows Program is seeking businesses, organizations and researchers to become mentors. Those who are interested may visit or call 401-874-4096.