Official State of Rhode Island website

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Boards & Councils

OER works closely with an array of state government bodies, offices, and boards that assist in the implementation of Rhode Island energy public policy. Many different agencies—each with distinct powers, duties, and functions—share public responsibilities for energy planning, management, and oversight. The table below summarizes the roles of the major public entities involved in Rhode Island’s energy policies and programs.

To keep up-to-date on the State's energy activities and meetings, please sign up on the RI Secretary of State (RISOS) website to receive email notifications from the Office of Energy Resources, Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council, and Distributed Generation Board meetings

Energy Boards & Councils
Boards & Councils Responsibilities
Energy Facility Siting Board Licenses and permits the siting, construction, or alteration of major energy facilities in Rhode Island
Energy Efficiency Council Oversees the development and implementation of Rhode Island’s system reliability and energy efficiency investments according to Least-Cost Procurement
Distributed Generation Board Oversees the development and implementation of Rhode Island’s Renewable Energy Growth Program
Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council Develop and tracks the implementation of a plan to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions below 1990 levels of: 10 percent by 2020; 45 percent by 2035; and 80 percent by 2050

State Agency Partners
Agency Responsibilities
Building Code Commission Establishes minimum requirements for protecting public health, safety, and welfare in the built environment, and administers implementation of the Rhode Island Green Building Act
Coastal Resources Management Council Oversees marine spatial planning through the implementation of the Ocean Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) and permits offshore wind energy systems
Commerce RI Administers the State’s Renewable Energy Fund, which provides grants and loans for renewable energy projects with the potential to make electricity in a cleaner, more sustainable manner, while stimulating job growth in the green technology and energy sectors of Rhode Island's economy
Department of Environmental Management Preserves the quality of Rhode Island’s environment by implementing laws related to clean air, clean water, and other areas of environmental protection
Department of Human Services Oversees low-income heating assistance and energy efficiency programs, including the Weatherization Assistance Program and LIHEAP, which are available through local Community Action Programs
Department of Transportation Designs, constructs, and maintains the state’s surface transportation system, including roadways, bridges, rail stations, and bike and pedestrian paths
Division of Planning Creates long-range policy plans for land use, energy, transportation, and natural resources in Rhode Island
Division of Public Utilities and Carriers Operates in concert with the PUC and supervises all laws relating to providers electric and natural gas service
Office of Energy Resources Develops and administers energy policy and programs designed to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, alternative fuels, and energy assurance in Rhode Island
Public Utilities Commission Regulates electric and gas distribution companies in Rhode Island and reviews and approves implementation of major energy efficiency and renewable energy policies
RI Infrastructure Bank Administers the Efficient Buildings Fund (EBF) and residential and commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs
RIPTA Operates public transit services throughout Rhode Island