News & Events Archive
November 29, 2018:
State releases Residential Guide to Going Solar
November 13, 2018:
State receives 41 bids in response to clean energy RFP
October 26, 2018:
Burrillville schools to receive $146,000 for LED lighting upgrade project
October 22, 2018:
Raimondo, Congressional Delegation Unveil RIPTA's First Electric Buses
October 11, 2018:
Rhode Island ranks No. 3 in nation for energy efficiency for second year
September 11, 2018:
Rhode Island Seeks up to 400 Megawatts of Clean, Affordable Energy
August 3, 2018:
Raimondo Releases Clean Energy Industry Report, Announces 72 Percent Growth in Green Jobs
July 19, 2018:
State announces new initiatives to encourage more solar, new sites
May 31, 2018:
Raimondo, Deepwater Wind Announce 800+ Jobs
May 23, 2018:
Rhode Island and Massachusetts Announce Largest Procurement of Offshore Wind in Nation's History
May 21, 2018:
Rhode Island Receives 2018 State Leadership in Clean Energy Award for Block Island Offshore Wind Farm
April 30, 2018:
OER Recognizes Public Sector for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency achievements at Second Annual Lead By Example Awards
April 25, 2018:
State Unveils 900 New Solar Panels on Capitol Hill Rooftops
March 21, 2018:
State Issues New Guidance for Creating Energy Efficient Buildings, Lowering Energy Costs
February 5, 2018:
Raimondo Touts Goal to Make Energy System 10 Times Cleaner: Directs State Energy Team to Work with Utilities to Procure 400MW of Affordable, Clean Energy
December 22, 2017:
Statewide solar permit application will make it easier to do business in Rhode Island
November 14, 2017:
State creates blueprint to modernize Rhode Island's electric grid and control long-term costs for ratepayers
October 25, 2017:
Rhode Island ranks No. 3 in nation for energy efficiency
September 13, 2017:
Energy Efficiency Council Approves National Grid’s 3-Year Efficiency Plan for Rhode Island
August 9, 2017:
Raimondo Signs Bills Supporting Clean Energy Growth
June 7, 2017:
State expands Solarize RI to reach more homeowners and businesses
April 24, 2017:
OER recognizes public sector for renewable energy, energy efficiency achievements at Lead By Example Awards. Please visit the OER Photo Gallery for images from this event.
August 9, 2017:
Raimondo Signs Bills Supporting Clean Energy Growth
June 26, 2017:
Office of Energy Resources releases economic and jobs report from the Brattle Group on the state's Renewable Energy Growth Program
June 8, 2017:
2017 Clean Energy Jobs Report: RI clean energy jobs see 66 percent growth since 2014
June 7, 2017:
State expands Solarize RI to reach more homeowners and businesses
April 24, 2017:
OER recognizes public sector for renewable energy, energy efficiency achievements at Lead By Example Awards. Please visit the - OER Photo Gallery for images from this event.
March 1, 2017:
Governor Raimondo Announces "1,000 by '20" Clean Energy Goal -- 1,000 megawatts of clean energy by 2020.
February 7, 2017:
Attention State Agencies and Municipalities: Be recognized for your clean energy or efficiency project. Apply for the Lead by Example Award before March 15, 2017.
February 2, 2017:
National Governors Association selects Rhode Island for Electric Power Modernization Program
December 6, 2016:
OER awards $300,000 to Support Municipal LED Streetlights in Providence
September 30, 2016:
September 21, 2016:
OER has posted the Commercial Tangible Tax Value for Commercial Renewable Energy System - Rules and Regulations for a 30 day public comment period. Please - click here for the notice and - here for a copy of the rules and regulations.
August 16, 2016:
OER Launches "Charge Up! Public Sector Vehicle Electrification Incentive Program. Click to learn more!
June 26th, 2017:
Office of Energy Resources releases economic and jobs report from the Brattle Group on the state's Renewable Energy Growth Program
July 26th, 2016:
New Pilot Program Conserves Energy, Cuts Costs at State Facilities
July 26th, 2016:
Solarize Warwick Gives Residents, Businesses Opportunity to Adopt Solar
July 21st, 2016:
Presentation Materials for OER Public Workshop on EFSB-2015-06 GHG Advisory Opinion
June 27st, 2016:
State, partners announce extension of Solarize RI program to Aug. 19
June 21st, 2016:
OER Received National Award for Efforts to Advance Distributed Solar
April 6th, 2016:
OER Announces New Energy Efficiency Program for Block Island
March 31st, 2016:
OER, Partners Build on Efforts to Grow RI's Clean Energy Economy
October 8th, 2015:
State Announces 7 New Communities for Solarize RI
August 28th, 2015:
The 2015 Fall Solarize Rhode Island Campaign is now open for interested Rhode Island Cities and Towns to apply to participate
July 22nd, 2015:
OER, Pascoag Utility District Partner on LED Streetlight Conversion
July 20th, 2015:
OER Announces Plan to Invest in Clean Energy, Reduce Energy Costs
June 25th, 2015:
New Report Applauds Rhode Island's Clean Energy Programs
June 17th, 2015:
Solar Opportunities Rise Following Success of Solarize Rhode Island
June 2nd, 2015:
The OER has published a House Resolution Report addressing regulatory issues affecting electric vehicles. Click here for a copy of the press release. - For a copy of the report, click here.
October 22nd, 2014:
Rhode Island Ranks Third Most Energy Efficient State in the Nation! Click Here for a link to the press release.
August 14th, 2014:
The OER announces energy legislation and resolutions that were passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor Chafee during the 2014 session.
June 2nd, 2014:
2014 RGGI Allocation Plan - Notice of Public Comment & Hearing Announced
June 2nd, 2014:
OER Announces Proposed 2014 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Allocation Plan
April 22nd, 2014:
The OER has just released it's 2013 Annual Performance and Financial Report. Click here for a copy or head to our "About" page to learn more!
April 21st, 2014:
The 2014 Rhode Island Energy Expo at the Home Show was a great success! For a press release detailing the event, click here.
January 22nd, 2014:
Announcement: The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation has announced their first Commercial Scale Funding Program. Click for more information.
December 19th, 2013:
Announcement: Click here for a final version of the study commissioned by the OER regarding the "Effects of Wind Turbines on Property Values in Rhode Island."
November 20th, 2013:
Announcement: Notice of Rule Making and Public Hearing for the Renewable Energy Fund, PY 2014 - 2016
November 20th, 2013:
Announcement: 2013 Draft RGGI Plan and Notice of Public Comment/Hearing released
November 18th, 2013:
Funding Opportunity Announcement: OER SRP Solar DG Pilot Project
November 13th, 2013:
RI Ranks 6th Place in the Country in American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's Scorecard
November 6th, 2013:
Governor Chafee Activates New England's Most Powerful Solar Rooftop Array in Quonset Business Park
November 6th, 2013:
RI OER to Work with Four Other New England States and CESA to Reduce Solar Costs
October 24th, 2013:
RI Signs MOU with Six States to Put 3.3 Million Zero-Emission Vehicles on the Road by 2025
October 1st, 2013:
RI Department of Human Services 2014 Low Income Heating Assistance Program Guidelines Announced
September 27th, 2013:
RI OER Announces Successful Deployment of 50 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Throughout RI
September 27th, 2013:
Governor Chafee Proclaims September 28-29 as RI Plug In Weekend
August 26th, 2013:
RI OER Funding Opportunity Announcement: Renewable and Energy Efficiency Projects at RI Schools
August 7th, 2013:
EV Sales Skyrocketing, eGallon Holds Steady
August 1st, 2013:
Deepwater Wind captures both offshore wind-farm leases in first U.S. auction
July 7th, 2013:
New program designed to help R.I. homeowners invest in solar panels and other clean-energy products
June 18th, 2013:
Governor Chafee Celebrates Launch of Electric Vehicle Network in Rhode Island
June 4th, 2013:
Governor Chafee, Senator Whitehouse Applaud Announcement of First Offshore Renewable Energy Lease Sale
November 30th, 2012:
Interior Announces First-Ever Renewable Energy Lease Sales on the Outer Continental Shelf
July 17th, 2012:
Launch of RIEnergy.Org website