Official State of Rhode Island website

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News & Events Archive

November 29, 2018:

State releases Residential Guide to Going Solar

November 13, 2018:

State receives 41 bids in response to clean energy RFP

October 26, 2018:

Burrillville schools to receive $146,000 for LED lighting upgrade project

October 22, 2018:

Raimondo, Congressional Delegation Unveil RIPTA's First Electric Buses

October 11, 2018:

Rhode Island ranks No. 3 in nation for energy efficiency for second year

September 11, 2018:

Rhode Island Seeks up to 400 Megawatts of Clean, Affordable Energy

August 3, 2018:

Raimondo Releases Clean Energy Industry Report, Announces 72 Percent Growth in Green Jobs

July 19, 2018:

State announces new initiatives to encourage more solar, new sites

May 31, 2018:

Raimondo, Deepwater Wind Announce 800+ Jobs

May 23, 2018:

Rhode Island and Massachusetts Announce Largest Procurement of Offshore Wind in Nation's History

May 21, 2018:

Rhode Island Receives 2018 State Leadership in Clean Energy Award for Block Island Offshore Wind Farm

April 30, 2018:

OER Recognizes Public Sector for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency achievements at Second Annual Lead By Example Awards

April 25, 2018:

State Unveils 900 New Solar Panels on Capitol Hill Rooftops

March 21, 2018:

State Issues New Guidance for Creating Energy Efficient Buildings, Lowering Energy Costs

February 5, 2018:

Raimondo Touts Goal to Make Energy System 10 Times Cleaner: Directs State Energy Team to Work with Utilities to Procure 400MW of Affordable, Clean Energy

December 22, 2017:

Statewide solar permit application will make it easier to do business in Rhode Island

November 14, 2017:

State creates blueprint to modernize Rhode Island's electric grid and control long-term costs for ratepayers

October 25, 2017:

Rhode Island ranks No. 3 in nation for energy efficiency

September 13, 2017:

Energy Efficiency Council Approves National Grid’s 3-Year Efficiency Plan for Rhode Island

August 9, 2017:

Raimondo Signs Bills Supporting Clean Energy Growth

June 7, 2017:

State expands Solarize RI to reach more homeowners and businesses

April 24, 2017:

OER recognizes public sector for renewable energy, energy efficiency achievements at Lead By Example Awards. Please visit the OER Photo Gallery for images from this event.

August 9, 2017:

Raimondo Signs Bills Supporting Clean Energy Growth

June 26, 2017:

Office of Energy Resources releases economic and jobs report from the Brattle Group on the state's Renewable Energy Growth Program

June 8, 2017:

2017 Clean Energy Jobs Report: RI clean energy jobs see 66 percent growth since 2014

June 7, 2017:

State expands Solarize RI to reach more homeowners and businesses

April 24, 2017:

OER recognizes public sector for renewable energy, energy efficiency achievements at Lead By Example Awards. Please visit the - OER Photo Gallery for images from this event.

March 1, 2017:

Governor Raimondo Announces "1,000 by '20" Clean Energy Goal -- 1,000 megawatts of clean energy by 2020.

February 7, 2017: 

Attention State Agencies and Municipalities: Be recognized for your clean energy or efficiency project. Apply for the Lead by Example Award before March 15, 2017.

February 2, 2017:

National Governors Association selects Rhode Island for Electric Power Modernization Program

December 6, 2016:

OER awards $300,000 to Support Municipal LED Streetlights in Providence

September 30, 2016:


September 21, 2016:

OER has posted the Commercial Tangible Tax Value for Commercial Renewable Energy System - Rules and Regulations for a 30 day public comment period. Please - click here for the notice and - here for a copy of the rules and regulations.

August 16, 2016:

 OER Launches "Charge Up! Public Sector Vehicle Electrification Incentive Program. Click to learn more!

June 26th, 2017:

Office of Energy Resources releases economic and jobs report from the Brattle Group on the state's Renewable Energy Growth Program

July 26th, 2016:

New Pilot Program Conserves Energy, Cuts Costs at State Facilities

July 26th, 2016:

Solarize Warwick Gives Residents, Businesses Opportunity to Adopt Solar

July 21st, 2016:

Presentation Materials for OER Public Workshop on EFSB-2015-06 GHG Advisory Opinion

June 27st, 2016:

State, partners announce extension of Solarize RI program to Aug. 19

June 21st, 2016:

OER Received National Award for Efforts to Advance Distributed Solar

April 6th, 2016:

OER Announces New Energy Efficiency Program for Block Island

March 31st, 2016:

OER, Partners Build on Efforts to Grow RI's Clean Energy Economy

October 8th, 2015:

State Announces 7 New Communities for Solarize RI

August 28th, 2015:

The 2015 Fall Solarize Rhode Island Campaign is now open for interested Rhode Island Cities and Towns to apply to participate

August 21st, 2015:

Announcing Block Island Saves! The Office of Energy Resources (OER) is helping residents and businesses in the Town of New Shoreham (Block Island) to become more energy efficient. Click here to learn more

July 22nd, 2015:

OER, Pascoag Utility District Partner on LED Streetlight Conversion

July 20th, 2015:

OER Announces Plan to Invest in Clean Energy, Reduce Energy Costs

June 25th, 2015:

New Report Applauds Rhode Island's Clean Energy Programs

June 18th, 2015:

OER Releases MPA 509 to Furnish and Install Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment at State, Municipal, and Quasi-Public Agencies and State Colleges and Universities

June 17th, 2015:

Solar Opportunities Rise Following Success of Solarize Rhode Island

June 2nd, 2015:

The OER has published a House Resolution Report addressing regulatory issues affecting electric vehicles. Click here for a copy of the press release. - For a copy of the report, click here.

October 22nd, 2014:

Rhode Island Ranks Third Most Energy Efficient State in the Nation! Click Here for a link to the press release.

August 14th, 2014:

The OER announces energy legislation and resolutions that were passed by the General Assembly and signed by Governor Chafee during the 2014 session.

August 13th, 2014:

September 15th - 20th is National Drive Electric Week! On September 20th the OER and it's affiliates will host a Drive Electric Day at Garden City Center. Visit the Drive Electric Week website to register!

July 24th, 2014:

A final version of the study commissioned by the OER on the Radiated Noise Measurements of Rhode Island Wind Turbines has been posted for the public. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page for more info.

June 2nd, 2014:

2014 RGGI Allocation Plan - Notice of Public Comment & Hearing Announced

June 2nd, 2014:

OER Announces Proposed 2014 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Allocation Plan

May 9th, 2014:

The OER and Commerce RI have released an Economic Jobs and Environmental Impact Study on the Distributed Generation Contracts and Renewable Energy Fund programs. Click for a copy of the report.

April 22nd, 2014:

The OER has just released it's 2013 Annual Performance and Financial Report. Click here for a copy or head to our "About" page to learn more!

April 21st, 2014:

The 2014 Rhode Island Energy Expo at the Home Show was a great success! For a press release detailing the event, click here.

January 22nd, 2014:

Announcement: The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation has announced their first Commercial Scale Funding Program. Click for more information.

December 19th, 2013:

Announcement: Click here for a final version of the study commissioned by the OER regarding the "Effects of Wind Turbines on Property Values in Rhode Island."

November 20th, 2013:

Announcement: Notice of Rule Making and Public Hearing for the Renewable Energy Fund, PY 2014 - 2016

November 20th, 2013:

Announcement: 2013 Draft RGGI Plan and Notice of Public Comment/Hearing released

November 18th, 2013:

Funding Opportunity Announcement: OER SRP Solar DG Pilot Project

November 13th, 2013:

RI Ranks 6th Place in the Country in American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's Scorecard

November 6th, 2013:

Governor Chafee Activates New England's Most Powerful Solar Rooftop Array in Quonset Business Park

November 6th, 2013:

RI OER to Work with Four Other New England States and CESA to Reduce Solar Costs

October 24th, 2013:

RI Signs MOU with Six States to Put 3.3 Million Zero-Emission Vehicles on the Road by 2025

October 1st, 2013:

RI Department of Human Services 2014 Low Income Heating Assistance Program Guidelines Announced

September 27th, 2013:

RI OER Announces Successful Deployment of 50 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Throughout RI

September 27th, 2013:

Governor Chafee Proclaims September 28-29 as RI Plug In Weekend

August 26th, 2013:

RI OER Funding Opportunity Announcement: Renewable and Energy Efficiency Projects at RI Schools

August 7th, 2013:

EV Sales Skyrocketing, eGallon Holds Steady

August 1st, 2013:

Deepwater Wind captures both offshore wind-farm leases in first U.S. auction

July 7th, 2013:

New program designed to help R.I. homeowners invest in solar panels and other clean-energy products

June 18th, 2013:

Governor Chafee Celebrates Launch of Electric Vehicle Network in Rhode Island

June 4th, 2013:

Governor Chafee, Senator Whitehouse Applaud Announcement of First Offshore Renewable Energy Lease Sale

November 30th, 2012:

Interior Announces First-Ever Renewable Energy Lease Sales on the Outer Continental Shelf

July 17th, 2012:

Launch of RIEnergy.Org website