PROVIDENCE, RI – Today, Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, the U.S. DOT/Federal Highway Administration, and the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, celebrated Rhode Island's groundbreaking achievement as the first state in the nation to complete Phase 1 of the alternative fuel corridor under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. The milestone was marked with a ribbon-cutting event at the Route 117 Park & Ride in Warwick.
PROVIDENCE, RI – The McKee Administration has recognized 20 state entities, municipalities, and public schools for their renewable energy and energy efficiency achievements a
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) have awarded $160,000 in grants to support farmers as they decarbonize their agricultural operations. The clean energy projects funded through this opportunity will further the reduction of the state’s carbon footprint while reducing the energy burden of RI’s agricultural sector. The awards, funded through the Rhode Island Agricultural Energy Grant Program, will support renewable energy and energy efficiency projects at eight local farms across the state.
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER) announced today the expansion of the Public School Lighting Accelerator Program to all municipalities in Rhode Island. After addressing the needs of schools in the ten original communities and with funds still available, OER is continuing these LED lighting projects in all school districts across the state.
$49,330,000 in federal funds for Rhode Island EASE programs through the EPA’s Solar for All Program will help unlock millions in long-term energy savings for RI households.
Two applications demonstrate continued regional and interregional collaboration on electricity infrastructure to bolster grid reliability and resilience.
PROVIDENCE, RI – Today, Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM), showcased the progress of Phase 1 of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program at the Ashaway Park & Ride.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The Office of Energy Resources (OER) and the Renewable Energy Fund (REF) at RI Commerce are making strides to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion measures in the RI Clean Energy Internship Program. OER and REF have partnered with Browning the Green Space (BGS) to assist in the recruitment and training of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) for the RI Clean Energy Internship Program.
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor McKee, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER) and RIHousing have announced that four housing developments will receive funding through the Zero Energy for the Ocean State (ZEOS) Demonstration Program to design and construct affordable energy efficient Zero Energy Building (ZEB) housing units, which will serve low- and moderate-income residents in Rhode Island. For this third round of ZEOS funding, OER and RIHousing had each committed $250,000 to support the program and its activities.
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, the Renewable Energy Fund (REF) at Commerce RI, and PosiGen have partnered to create the Affordable Solar Access Pathways program, known as ASAP. The ASAP program will provide solar leases and power purchase agreements to single family, low-to-moderate income (LMI) homeowners, specifically households located in environmental justice focus areas.