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Energy Storage

Energy storage systems, sometimes abbreviated ESS, store energy produced at one point in time for use at another time (or over a period of time). There are a variety of energy storage system technologies that vary based on the type of energy stored, the mechanism used for storing that energy, and the time over which the energy is stored and discharged.

Energy storage can have many benefits. In order for our electric grid to work, the same amount of electricity must be generated as is demanded at any given instant. Since energy storage systems can hold energy over time and discharge when needed, they allow our electric grid to be operated more economically and, potentially, at a lower carbon output.

Battery storage is a specific type of energy storage system that use battery technology to store electrical energy in the battery’s chemical components. Similar to rechargeable batteries you use around the home, battery storage can charge and discharge many times. Click here to read more about battery storage in Rhode Island.

Other types of storage systems include Mechanical, Thermal, and Chemical systems. The figure below illustrates these different types of energy storage systems:

Figure 1: Types of energy storage systems

Want to learn more about energy storage systems? Click here to view our answers to some common questions about energy storage.

State of Rhode Island

Office of Energy Resources