Systems Integration Rhode Island (SIRI)
Systems Integration Rhode Island (SIRI) examined key issues related to the future of the state’s electric grid in the context of growth in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other distributed energy resources.
For more information on Systems Integration Rhode Island, please contact Danny Musher at
Rhode Island's energy system is at the cusp of a fundamental long-term transformation. Our electric grid is becoming increasingly more complex as consumers adopt distributed energy resources -- energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy, and energy storage, among others. The changing nature and growth of customer resources holds significant implications for the state's electric grid, grid planners and operators, and utility regulators.
In order to better understand the challenges and capitalize on opportunities, representatives from the Office of Energy Resources (OER), the Energy Efficiency and Resource Management Council (EERMC), the Distributed Generation Board (DG Board), and National Grid convened a "Systems Integration Rhode Island" (SIRI) working group during 2014-2015. The purpose of the SIRI group was to take a first step at mapping out key issues related to the future of Rhode Island's electric grid and offer early stage recommendations for addressing opportunities, filling gaps, and gaining efficiencies in existing state processes.