LED Streetlights

Effective February 25, 2022, the LED Municipal Streetlight Incentive program is fully subscribed, and all available funding has been committed. OER is unable to award any applications received after this date.
OER robustly supports cost-effective means to reduce energy consumption and costs. Through its many on-going programs and initiatives – such as the Rhode Island Public Energy Partnership – OER has placed particular emphasis on working with public sector entities, including state agencies and municipalities, to reduce their energy burdens. Investments in energy efficiency measures and other clean energy technologies offer the potential to not only reduce public sector energy costs, but they can also support local businesses and create jobs, while reducing our collective carbon footprint and reducing other greenhouse gas emissions.
Conversion to more energy efficient LED fixtures throughout our public roadways is one method for state agencies and municipalities to capture substantial long-term energy consumption and cost savings. Replacement of traditional high-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting with LEDs offers numerous benefits, including, but not limited to:
- Significant energy reduction potential. Depending on the type of fixture installed and dimming strategy utilized, streetlight LEDs can reduce kilowatt usage from anywhere between 50 to 65 percent. These reductions can translate into cost savings for public sector entities and taxpayers.
- Installation of control technologies (along with conversion to an LED fixture) can offer public sector entities much greater control of their lighting quality (i.e. dimming) and scheduling across public roadways and other infrastructure.
- LED conversion can help reduce maintenance and related equipment costs. For example, in comparison to traditional HPS fixtures, the newest LEDs have warrantied lifespans from 10 to 20+ years.
- LED lighting can enhance the quality of roadway lighting and safety.
- Energy reductions stemming from LED conversions can not only save the public money and help reduce budgetary constraints, but they also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our carbon footprint, thereby enhancing a community’s “green” image.
As of August 1, 2014, Rhode Island municipalities are able to purchase and maintain their own street lights pursuant to the Municipal Streetlight Investment Act. For municipalities planning to purchase existing Rhode Island Energy-owned streetlights – and for State agencies and municipalities that may already own their streetlights – there are financial incentives available to assist with LED streetlight conversion:
For Municipalities interested in LED conversion, please visit the following links, which provide information on currently-available OER- and utility-administered LED lighting incentives:
RI DOT Recognized as 2015 Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships' "Business Leader for Energy Efficiency"
For more information, visit RIDOT.
Additional Resources
For further information about street lighting, please contact:
George Sfinarolakis
Office of Energy Resources
If you would like more information on how your community can explore deeper energy efficiency savings opportunities, please contact Nathan Cleveland at:
Nathan Cleveland
Office of Energy Resources