Lead By Example Energy Awards

Each year since 2017, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources has recognized state government agencies, quasi-public agencies, municipalities, and state colleges and universities for their renewable energy and energy efficiency achievements in an award ceremony.

2025 – Eighth Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

Apply for the LBE Award!

The Lead by Example (LBE) Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of Rhode Island State agencies, quasi-public entities, public colleges and universities, municipalities, and school districts. These awards spotlight transformative programs and projects that have rendered measurable environmental and energy advancements.

If you wish to nominate an entity, please fill out the form.

2024 – Seventh Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

2023 – Sixth Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

2022 – Fifth Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

2020 – Fourth Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

2019 – Third Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

2018 – Second Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

2017 – First Annual Lead by Example Clean Energy Awards

For more information on Lead by Example Energy Awards, please contact George Sfinarolakis at george.sfinarolakis@energy.ri.gov.