Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)
The Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER), through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), is making available formula funding to municipalities across the State. These funds are being made available to support the reduction of fossil fuel emissions, reduction of total energy use in communities, improve efficiency of facilities, and contribute to the growth of the clean energy economy. Every municipality is eligible to receive funding through the EECBG program. The amount of funds each community is eligible to receive was determined by a formula using federal guidelines and exact amounts can be viewed on the OER website. Note that the ten (10) communities receiving Direct Pay awards will be getting their EECBG allocation directly from DOE, NOT OER, and need not complete this application to receive those funds.
Through the application, OER will be evaluating project proposals from municipalities to distribute this federal EECBG funding to ensure alignment and compliance with the requirements outlined herein. In addition, OER will be evaluating the suitability of the proposed project(s) for additional funding made available through OER and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auction proceeds, should the applicant request those additional funds. Distribution of RGGI funds is at OER’s sole discretion and submission of an application for additional RGGI funding for a project does not guarantee award. Additional RGGI funds are available on a first come, first served basis.
Project eligibility criteria, distribution of funds, and reporting requirements are detailed in full in this application. Please ensure you have read all the guidelines and requirements outlined in this application and proposed project(s) meet all stated requirements prior to submission of your application.
The 29 Rhode Island cities and towns not receiving Direct Pay awards, as noted in the allocation document, are eligible to receive federal formula funds through OER and the EECBG Formula Grant Program and should complete this application.
The 10 Rhode Island cities and towns receiving Direct Pay awards, as noted in the allocation document, are NOT eligible to receive federal formula funds through OER and the EECBG Formula Grant Program. These communities are eligible for additional RGGI funds to support their Direct Pay project(s), however, and if desired should complete the RGGI funding portion of this application.
Program Application
If you are interested in participating in this program, please fill out the Program Application.
EECBG Informational Webinar
For questions about participating in one of OER's Lead By Example programs, please contact Nathan Cleveland at or George Sfinarolakis at