Official State of Rhode Island website

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Zero Energy for the Ocean State (ZEOS)

Zero Energy For the Ocean State (ZEOS) is a collaboration with OER, RI Housing, RI Energy, and CLEAResult which offers grants to design and construct affordable, energy efficient housing to serve low-to-moderate income Rhode Islanders. In order to be eligible for participation in this program, developers are required to make a commitment to creating and building cost-effective Zero Energy Buildings (ZEBs), which are characterized as energy-efficient structures that consume nearly the same amount of renewable energy on-site as the total energy they utilize over the course of a year.

The ZEOS project is in response to the recommendations included in the Rhode Island Zero Energy Task Force’s Zero Energy Building Pathway to 2035 white paper. The white paper established a goal to create Zero Energy Building (ZEB) demonstration projects across building sectors.

In addition to meeting ZEB standards, developers must also participate in Rhode Island Energy's New Construction Program and will work closely with program partners throughout the design, construction, and data collection phases.

The total award will not exceed $250,000. The units may be new construction and/or renovation projects in single or multifamily homes. Buildings must meet ZEB standards and participate in National Grid’s Residential New Construction Program.

To Contact ZEOS Partners, please email


About RIHousing

RIHousing works to ensure that all people who live in Rhode Island can afford a healthy, attractive home that meets their needs. RIHousing provides loans, grants, education and assistance to help Rhode Islanders find, rent, buy, build and keep a good home. Created by the General Assembly in 1973, RIHousing is a self-sustaining corporation and receives no state funding for operations. For more information regarding RIHousing, visit or follow @RIHousing on Facebook and Twitter.