Official State of Rhode Island website
The total cost of the CHP project was $6,440,000. The NBC received several financial incentives, including $682,300 from National Grid, $200,000 from the Renewable Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and $80,000 from the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Fund. In addition, NBC will sell the electric renewable energy credits from the project to help pay for it.
In June 2020, the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER), Department of Administration (DOA), Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) and Department of Corrections (DOC) completed a collaborative project to upgrade the exterior lighting at the John O. Pastore Complex to current LED technology.
As Rhode Island’s largest water utility, Providence Water provides drinking water to approximately 600,000 Rhode Islanders. The company completed a 17,739-panel, ground-mounted, 4.99-megawatt solar project at its Pine Hill Road location in Johnston.
Governor Gina Raimondo appointed Ron Gerwatowski Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission in June 2020. Chairman Gerwatowski has worked in the utility and energy industry for over thirty years. Prior to his appointment, he served as a Senior Regulatory Advisor to the Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and Carriers.
The Rhode Island Army National Guard (RIARNG) completed the interconnection of its rooftop solar facility on the 56 Troop Command Armory Building at Camp Fogarty in East Greenwich. The $335,000 project is expected to generate $45,700 in annual energy savings.
Racial equity is now on the forefront of our national conversation, compelling all of us to examine implicit biases, as well as our institutions, as we seek to create a more inclusive community. During this turbulent time, we are following Governor Gina Raimondo’s leadership and as she implements “RIse Together”
Much has changed in our world over the past few months. I want to express my sincerest wishes for your continued health and safety during this difficult time. Today, I would like to offer some perspective on the road ahead and reassure you that our Administration and the Office of Energy Resources remain committed to advancing a cleaner, more affordable, and more reliable energy future.