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Energy Profiles

  • Rhode Island students recognized for energy achievements | August 2018
    need program

    Ten schools participated in the National Energy Education Development Project 38th Annual Youth Awards for Energy Achievement. Students and teachers submitted portfolios documenting their energy activities throughout the year, such as organizing their own energy fairs/expos, implementing conservation programs, building model wind turbines, conducting school energy audits, and teaching educational workshops for their communities and peers

  • URI Energy Fellows Program prepares the next generation of clean energy professionals | August 2018
    URI Energy Fellows

    With this month's release of the Clean Energy Industry Report, we take an in-depth look at one program that is helping to prepare college students to enter the clean energy economy -- the University of Rhode Island Energy Fellows Program.

  • Solarize Jamestown reaches Tier 2 | August 2018
    Solarize Jamestown

    Now in its fifth year, the Solarize Rhode Island Program seeks to increase the adoption of small-scale solar electricity through a competitive tiered pricing structure that provides residents and small businesses the opportunity to control over their electricity bills.

  • Lead by Example: Narragansett Bay Commission on track to reach "net-zero" electrical use by 2018 | July 2018
    Narragansett bay commission

    The Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) is a renewable energy leader among Rhode Island State quasi-public agencies. NBC currently obtains 45 percent of its energy needs from six 1.5 MW industrial class wind turbines and has established a goal of obtaining all electricity from local renewable energy resources by December 2018 to achieve "net-zero" status. 

  • Lead by Example: The Virks Building | July 2018
    virks building

    Built in 1936, the historic Virks building, located in Cranston, served as an institutional hospital for 78 years. Renovations from 2014 to 2017 upgraded the facility and transformed it into the new home for the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services. The Department of Administration, Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) went above and beyond code to bring the building into the future with energy efficiency improvements:

  • Road to 1000 MW: Rose Hill & Plains Road Closed Landfill Solar Projects | July 2018
    plains road solar farm

    Toxic sites that are closed to human activity are sometimes ideal locations for solar panels. In this month’s energy profile, we take a look at the former Rose Hill Regional Landfill and Plains Road Landfill in South Kingstown and tell the story of its transformation into a source of clean energy.

  • Road to 1000 MW: Embrace Home Loans first to use C-PACE | July 2018
    c-pace embrace building

    Embrace Home Loans in Middletown, RI, one of Rhode Island’s fastest-growing companies, now has another claim to fame – it is the first company to complete a solar project using the new Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy program (C-PACE).