Rhode Island Efficient Buildings Fund (RIEBF)

The Efficient Buildings Fund (EBF) is a revolving loan fund. These low-interest rate loans are given to governmental entities for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects where the annual energy savings achieved by the project exceeds the annual debt service. RIEBF is administered jointly by the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank (RIIB) and the Office of Energy Resources.

To apply, applicants must complete an application along with an energy audit of the facility(ies) (see application documents below). Rhode Island Energy will work with potential applicants to schedule and conduct energy audits. 

All applications will be scored and ranked on a public Project Priority List, with the top scoring applicants being prioritized to receive available funding.

Borrowers are required to report energy use for at least five years following loan closing and have in place, or develop, an Energy Management Plan within six months of loan closing.

Congratulations to all the municipalities and school districts that have borrowed funds for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects! For great examples of how to take advantage of EBF funding you can read a short case study of Westerly’s success or of Pawtucket's success.

Current Funding Round Schedule and Application Documents

The full timeline and draft Project Priority List for Round 17 are below. Due to remote working arrangements, interested applicants should submit applications to DOA.EffBuildFund@energy.ri.gov and steven.chybowski@energy.ri.gov by the listed deadline rather than mailing hard copies as listed in the application.

Round 17 Amended Schedule Timeline
Launch application period  Monday, September 16th
Applications are due to the Office of Energy Resources (via email) Friday, October 11th by 5pm
Office of Energy Resources notifies applicants of completeness Friday, October 18th
Missing application components due to Office of Energy Resources Friday, October 25th
Project Priority List posted for public comment Friday, November 15th
Public comment period closes Friday, November 22nd
Project Priority List finalized, and selected borrowers notified by Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank Week of November 25th

Sample Energy Management Plans

Contact Info

Questions can be directed to Greg Miller at gmiller@riib.org or Steve Chybowski at Steven.Chybowski@energy.ri.gov.