Facility Energy Audits
Facility energy audits are the first step to understanding the energy and cost saving opportunities available in your building. The Office of Energy Resources (OER), in partnership with Rhode Island Energy, is pleased to make these customized technical assessments available to eligible Rhode Island facilities free of charge.
Audits are customized based on the facility type and owner priorities, and the delivered result is a brief report identifying potential energy savings projects and opportunities. OER and Rhode Island Energy may also have programs to support implementation of these identified energy efficiency measures as well.
Implementing energy efficiency helps save time, energy, and money, and contributes to healthier, more sustainable buildings. Energy efficiency also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, further supporting the Act on Climate mandates in Rhode Island and combatting climate change.
Eligible Entities: All Rhode Island State Agencies, Municipalities, Public Schools (including Public Colleges and Universities), and Quasi-State agencies, are eligible for a no-cost facility energy audit.
Program Application: If you are interested in participating in this program please fill out the Program Application.